4 Steps to Happiness
We all run behind different things to achieve happiness. Jainism is also provides us with 4 easy steps to achieve them
Aparigraha: Triple A’s of Jainism
The Aparigraha is the Jainism principle of non-possessiveness that focuses on creating a balance between desires and needs and detachment from your own possessions. As we all know, the resources on our Earth is diminishing on a day-to-day basis. This makes it imperative for everyone…
Anekantvad: Triple A’s of Jainism
Anekantvad is a part of the triple-A principles of Jainism. This principle states that reality and ultimate truth is complex and has different aspects. According to Jainism, there is not a single statement that can describe the existence and the truth that is absolute. Many…
Ahimsa: Triple A’s of Jainism
Jainism as not a religion but a way of life with three core principle: Ahimsa (Non-Violence), Anekantvad (Non-Absolution) and Aparigraha (Non-possessiveness). Jainism states that all souls can reach Moksh, a state of complete bliss, through its own efforts. It shows how we can solve the…
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