Anekantvad is a part of the triple-A principles of Jainism. This principle states that reality and ultimate truth is complex and has different aspects. According to Jainism, there is not a single statement that can describe the existence and the truth that is absolute.
Many medicines in the world are being discovered to provide peace of mind. However, the best medicine that can transform the argument to the discussion is the doctrine of Anekantvad .
Anekantvad means no single point of view is a complete truth. For example. A given medicine can be beneficial for one person but harmful for another person. The best thing about Anekantvad is that it emphasizes how
Jainism respects the views of others. It encourages harmony and dialogue with all different faiths. This principle can be used in different aspects of life as well.
In a diverse world, there is conflict in every walk of life, rising cases of intolerance, religious fanaticism, political viewpoints, ethnicities, language barriers, and many more. To overcome these challenges, the principle of
Anekantvad plays an important role in fostering peace, understanding, and existence with other human beings.
What is true from one point of view is open to question from another. For example, an Indian or a Mexican can be called fair as well as dark. He is fairer compared to an African but he is darker compared to an American. By accepting the multifold nature of reality, Anekantvad widens our perception, making us better in Decision Making.
Anekantvad teaches that we should never impose our thought, opinion or view on someone else. Understanding of Anekantvad can solve all problems of human interactions that cause conflict, grief, envy or hatred.
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